@KTzone » 成人資源BT » 資源 - 情色動畫資源 » [無碼] Dirty Laundry 1-2[mkv/466.53MB]

2013-3-9 11:51 watasiwaivan
[無碼] Dirty Laundry 1-2[mkv/466.53MB]

[b]Dirty Laundry 1-2[mkv/466.53MB][/b]                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        [img]http://cdn.myanimelist.net/images/anime/10/7155.jpg[/img]

Based on the game by Black Backage

Shinji Oura is a part-time launderer since one month. He's working for Asai Cleaning under Sayaka, a rather young widow.

While trying to gain the heart of his employer, Shin-chan doesn't miss an occasion to mess around with the housewives of his neighbourhood, especially with Marissa the hot chick from Bangkok!

Submitter: Anonymous |
Size: 466.53MB |
Date: 2013-03-07 04:41 UTC

[url=http://yfdisk.com/file/ivango/bb0049bb/]下载: Dirty Laundry [1-2] [English] [UNCENSORED].torrent[/url]

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