@KTzone » 數碼 - Android綜合討論 » 數碼 - Android Apps » App 2 SD Prov1.41 (Android)

2011-3-6 00:03 bunnylai
App 2 SD Prov1.41 (Android)

App 2 SD Prov1.41 (Android)

[b]App 2 SD Pro (move apps to SD) v1.41
[/b][u]Requirements:[/u] for Android version 2.2 and higher, supports App2SD
[u]Overview:[/u] "App 2 SD" helps you to move apps to either external or internal storage thru' the system Settings.

list movable apps
move one or all apps to SD card
clear app cached files with 1 tap
show app used size
show storage total/available size
list non-movable apps
move app to the internal storage
view app on Market
uninstall app
open app
show app details page
support "Move2SD Enabler"
notify if movable app installed

Same functionalities as "App 2 SD Free" app, but Ad removed.

This app is not used to backup apps to SD card. It only helps you to move a portion of apps used space to SD card. You have to manually install the apps after switching to a new phone or hard reset.

[b]LINK: [/b]

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