@KTzone » 數碼 - Android綜合討論 » 數碼 - Android Apps » Camera+ the ultimate photo app v2.1 - 超強相機

2011-2-18 18:36 bunnylai
Camera+ the ultimate photo app v2.1 - 超強相機

[size=2]一款 iPhone 相机增强软件,提供给你多种数码相机上的功能,比如场景模式拍摄,十余种惊人特效和相片边框等等。

版本 2.1 中的新功能
1. PERFORMANCE!! Many areas of the app have been significantly optimized, especially effects processing. You’ll see vast improvements when trying out the different effects/borders and when saving/sharing photos that have effects applied.
2. MOAR CAMERA BUTTON!! We’ve added several more instances of the camera button so that you can instantly get to shooting from almost anywhere in the app.
3. We’ve changed the icon for multi-select so that it’s at least 473% more understandable. Yes, it’s inconsistent with what Apple does in the Photos app, but it actually makes sense now. You’re welcome.
4. You can now choose the order which your photos will be shared.
5. We’ve added options so that you can have your photos automatically saved to your Camera Roll as you shoot them.
6. The usability of the Info panel has been substantially improved and is now much more consistent with the rest of the Lightbox (ok, ok… we moved a couple of buttons, but we promise that you’ll quickly adjust to the new layout and you’ll like it much better before long).
7. You can now get info on photos from the Lightbox without having to zoom them first.
8. We added a menu option to turn geotagging on and off.
9. You can now tap-and-hold most buttons to display an associated action sheet with additional options.
10. The Copy button has been removed from the zoomed photo toolbar and has been replaced as a tap-and-hold popup.
11. We fixed a bug where photo previews were incorrect when an effect on them was set to a level less than 100%.
12. Location services are now only active when you’re in the camera view, saving precious battery life (thanks, jL Fotography).
13. Geotags and metadata are now retained when emailing photos.
14. The Pinhole effect has been dramatically improved.
15. We’ve improved the quality of several of the effects.
16 Vintage, Offset, Film, and Sprockets borders have been improved.
17. Most of the analog-style effects have more of a random feel to them now.
18. We fixed a bug where some people were having trouble sharing their photos on TheFaceBook.[/size]


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